My first RPP

Name : Isfiyatul Khoiroh
SRN : 1001240520

Nama Sekolah             : SMP Negeri 02 Karang Bintang
Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester            : IX (sembilan) / 1 (Satu)
Skill                             : Writing
Alokasi waktu             : 2 x 40 menit

A.    Standar   Kompetensi
6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulisan fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana              berbentuk procedure dan report dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
B.     Kompetensi Dasar    
6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
C. Indikator Pencpaian Kompetensi                 
1. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi teks yang padu berbentuk procedure / report yang                                               mengandungnilai disiplin dan religious secara cermat.
2. Menulis essay berbentuk procedure / report yang mengandung nilai disiplin dan religius dengan rasa percaya diri.

Karakter :
Cermat (teliti dan Kreatif)
Percaya Diri (optimis, jujur dan keteguhan hati)
Rasa Ingin Tahu
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat menyusun kalimat acak menjadi teks yang padu berbentuk procedure/report yang mengandung nilai disiplin dan menulis essay berbentuk procedure/report yang mengandung nilai disiplin dan religius dengan cermat dan rasa percaya diri.

E.     Materi Pembelajaran
1.      English in Focus (halaman 20,21)
·         Tanya jawab tentang time-order pada teks procedure
·         Tanya jawab bagian-bagian dari teks procedure
·         Memberi latihan menyusun kalimat acak menjadi teks yang padu berbentuk procedure.
2.      English in Focus (halaman 20,21)
·         Menemukan contoh teks procedure dari internet, majalah atau surat kabar.
·         Menulis contoh teks procedure dan membacakan hail tulisan mereka.
3.      Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik
·         Pendekatan : Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)
·         Strategi Pembelajaran :
4.      Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembalajaran
Teacher’s activity
Student activity






Teacher greets student
“Asslamualaikum War. Wab
“Good morning student?”
“How are you this morning?”
“I’m fine, too”

Checking attendance
Teacher checks the presence list.
“Who is absent today?”
“All right. Before we begin our lesson today, let’s open by reciting ‘Basmallah’”

Motivating strategy
Asking about time-order
“All right everybody. Let us go on with our lesson today.”
“Today’s topic is procedure text.
What do you know about procedure text?
Anyone knows?”
“Okay, Let me know you about procedure text”
“Ika, Do you like coffee?”
“And you Laksana?”
“Good, today I am going to show you how to make a glass of coffee. And study about procedure text from it”
 While presentation
Student, I know everybody has known how to make a glass of coffee, especially Laksana “but, I really hope after finish my presentation you can write a procedural text based on instruction that I have given.
Teacher explain

Procedure is steps/way in doing or making of something.
Procedural text is a text that showing the ways how to make or give some procedures something,
“Erna, Do you know what are the part of procedure text?”
“ok, Then. Part of or Generic Structure from Procedure text are:
§  Goal (Title of the text)
§  Materials (Optional, not for all procedure text)
§  Steps (a series steps oriented to achieving the goal)
Procedure text usually uses temporal conjunction or time-order.
“Fuad, Please mention time-order has ever do you seen!”
“Ok, Good. What else, Ihsan?”
“Good, Time-order (signal word). They are :
·         First, second, third
·         First of all
·         Then
·         After that
·         Next
·         Now
·         Finally
Teacher introduces the tools and materials needed for making the coffee,
Ok, for make a coffee, we need some tools like this.
Student look, what is this?
What about this one?

Teachers explain how to make the coffee and stress some verbs, using verb : pour, put, add etc
Temporal conjunction or time-order: 1, 2, 3, then, after, first, second etc.

“Is it clear, students?”

Skill practice
Now, complete your note first”
Ask student to arrange paragraphs how to make a glass of coffee
“Herlida, please arrange this paragraph”.
And you Fahriah , please
“Excellent, you have known how to make procedural text”

Teacher give chanced for student to ask
“Any Questions?”
“Ok, Helwi, What do you know about procedure text?’’

“Didi, mention time order from procedure text, please!”

“Ok, Good”
Teacher repeats the conclusion today’s lesson about procedural text.
Procedural text is a text that showing the ways how to make or give some procedures something, it has goal, materials and steps.
Procedure text usually uses temporal conjunction, like 1, 2, 3, then, and first, second, third, etc

Post Activity
Teacher give questions
“Students, Is it clear with our lesson?”
“Very good”
“Now, Open page 20 in English in Focus, please! Arrange the jumbled letters by looking at the box that follow.”

“Well, time is over, please collect your work”

For homework, ask student to look for procedure text in Magazine, news paper or Internet and make a procedure text.

“I think enough for lesson today”
“we close our lesson, let’s reciting Hamdallah”
“Thank you for your attention”
“See you next time, “Assalamu’alaikum War. Wab

Student respond
“Waalaikumusalam War. Wab”
“Good morning Mom”
“fine, and you?”

“No one mom”


“What’s today’s lesson, mom?”

”No, Mom. Sorry ,we don’t know”

“No, mom. I like mineral water ”
“I like coffee very much mom”

Student pay attention

Student pay attention

“Not yet mom”

“1, 2, 3, then, after, and first, mom”
“After that, next and finally”

Students mention the tools and the materials “sugar, coffee, spoon, tea spoon, boiling water, glass etc.

Students take notes

“Yes, mom”

Students complete their notes

“yes, mom”

“Yes mom”

“ Procedural text is a text that showing the ways how to make or give some procedures something, it has goal, materials and steps.
“First,second,third,First of all,then,after that,next,now, finally.



“Wa’ualaikumsalam War. Wab”


  1. mengenai apa ni? jadi guru ke?

    1. mengenai procedure text

      belum jadi guru, itu tugas dari mata kuliah yang di ambil semester ini,,,hm
      thanks dah mampir


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