Semoga Bermanfa'at

4th Semester I left

Name               : Isfiyatul Khoiroh
SRN                : 1001240520
Mid-term         : TEFL I

1.      How does the current status of English influence your belief about the importance of English and English teaching?

Answer : There are some points of the importance of English to learnt, English as
a)      an International Language (EIL)
as International Language, English as a global means of communication in numerous dialects, and also the movement towards an international standard for the language. The reason of English as International Language because it have used in the communications, business, tourism, education, science, computer technology, media and internet.
b)      a world language
English as world language, the significant step in the progress of English towards its status as a world language took place in the last decade of the 16th century and now many people speak the English language, and it is the use of Standard language is used widely around the world.
c)      a global language
English as a global language means a common language in the world. The future of English as a global language will depend very largely on the political, economical, demographic and cultural trends in the world.
d)     a medium of intercultural communication global communication
English as a medium of intercultural communication is a form of global communication. It is used to describe the wide range of communication problems that naturally appear within an organization made up of individuals from different religious, social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.
e)      a lingua franca: a language widely adopted for communication between two speakers whose native languages are different from each other and where one or both speakers are using it as a L2.
Lingua franca is a language systematically used to make communication possible between people not sharing a mother tongue. English as a lingua franca can be  defined an additionally acquired language system which serves as a common means of communication for speakers of different first language
English has been argued that International English is held back by its        traditional spelling

Learning of language actually learn to communicate, because language is an effective language to say message and to each other communication. English have recognized as an international language. It means people from many backgrounds geography, region, and culture have had a media to agreed to communicate each other. Seeing from some explanation below, we can make a clear description that English provide a space room for the widest to us to participate be a part of community of a global people. English as a global language., we must follow the current its development. So, English teaching must goon because be a knowledge in the future.  

2.      Explain crucial aspects  that you need to consider when you teach English!

Answer : The origin of the students from some different backgrounds and   knowledge, When we teach English the understanding of our students, what we will teach and teaching media are some aspects must get more attention, because to reach our goals when taught English and these are some explanation about them.  
a.       Learner  (students)
- age
Relationship between English teaching and age of the learners are the teacher must notice the materials will taught, usually children under 5 years still have had understood little of vocabulary the mother tongue, so the materials that will taught not only development of English but also their mother tongue too. 

- level of education
Alike with the aspect of the age, in level o education the more important aspect that must notice is give the materials appropriate with student’s levels.

- socioeconomic levels
Socioeconomic status is typically broken in to three categories, i.e. high, middle, and low level. The difference of socioeconomic will affect student pronunciation like we have taught in Introduction of Linguistic subject.

            - their parents
            Parents are not only influence in development of children growth but also in their education. Many parents can’t teach their children directly with some reason. So they need to accompany in suitable class to develop their potential.

- intellectual capacities
Intellectual capacities is the need able to do some mental activities like thinking, imagining, and to solving problem.  

- personalities
Student have different personalities. they need to adjust their new environment. So, they can fell comfortable when they learn.

b.      What should be taught ?
This is one of the reasons why we need to make lesson plan. In this section the role of the teacher need, because their creativity will influence student’s understanding. Planning to teach make student easy to clear the materials.

c.       Teaching media
It is also determine the purpose of learning will reach or not. Reaching in the studying process can look from behavior changing in cognitive, psychomotor, or affective. Teaching media can rich teaching process in the class. So, student be spirit to learn and easy to understand the materials.

3.      What are the differences  between methodology, method, approach, technique, procedures… give the examples!
Answer : The difference between methodology, method, approach, technique, procedures.
§  Methodology : Methodology is pedagogical practices in general. It the study of the practices and procedures in teaching, the principles and the beliefs that underlie them.
§  Approach is a term that usually people use to refer to the theories (theoretical positions and beliefs) about the nature of language and language learning which are the source of the way things are done in the classroom and which provide the reasons for doing them. For example Grammar Translation Method has been used by language teacher for many years, this method was used for the purpose of helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature . From this background is approach for grammar translation method to applies in the classroom as method.
§  Method is the practical realization of an approach. It includes techniques and procedures. It has specific and general objectives. There are types  of learning and teaching activities. It describes the roles of teacher, learner and instructional materials. For example, grammar translation method is method that more specific in reading students skill. So, in grammar translation method there are many activities that can do to develop students’ skill in grammar or many knowledge about reading.
§  Procedure is an ordered sequence of techniques. For example, a popular dictation procedure starts when students are put in small groups. Each group then sends one representative to the front of class to read (and remember) the first line of poem which has been placed on the desk there. Each student then goes back to their respective group and dictates that line.
§  Technique is any exercise, activities, and tasks in the classroom to meet the objectives or goal of learning. For example give students to do exercise in the  worksheet book by share with other friend to easy them. This activities is one of technique in teaching. 

4.      What do you think about the ten methods? What have you learnt from these methods?
Answer :
a)      Grammar Translation Method ( GTM )
o   Definition
Grammar translation method is  a method has been used  for many years. This method called Classical languages in Latin and Greek, because it is used to translate in classic language.
o   Purposes
To help students read and appreciate foreign language literature, to study of the grammar of the target language, so students would became more familiar with the grammar of their native language and would help students grow intellectually.
The goal of teacher is to able to read literature written in the target language.
o   Teachers’ and students’ role
The teacher is the authority in the classroom
The students do all teacher says , so they can learn what teacher know.
o   The techniques
a.       Translation of a literature passage
b.      Reading Comprehension Question
c.       Anonym/synonym
d.      Cognates
e.       Deductive Application of Rules
f.       Fill-in-Blanks
g.      Memorization
h.      Use words in the sentences
i.        Composition
o   The advantages
Ø  Easy to explain the meaning or words and phrases from one language into another because teacher can explain use mother tongue and there are not misunderstanding between teacher and students.
o   The weakness
In this method communication skills are neglected, so the students have bad pronunciation.
2. Direct Method
o   Definition
Direct method or Natural approach is a ways to present foreign language lesson, where the teacher use that language directly as language of instruction without use mother tongue when taught.
o   The purposes
Ø  To provide learners with a practically useful knowledge of language and to understanding the target language in evry day situation.
o   The techniques
a.       Reading aloud
b.      Question and answering question
c.       Getting students to self-correct
d.      Conversation practice
e.       Fill-in-blanks exercise
f.       Dictation
o   The advantages
Ø  Student quick to study English, no gap between active and passive vocabulary because the students can concentrates on understanding English, and based on sound principle of education.
o   The disadvantages
Ø  Difficult to practiced in small children learner, effectiveness of these method verbalizing skills depends on maturation level of the child on intelligence and refused to speak a single word of English in lesson.
3. Total Physical Response
o   Definition
It is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action, this refers to several different comprehension based language teaching proposals.
o   The purposes
Ø  To reduce the stress people feel when studying foreign language and thereby encourage students to persist in their study beyond a beginning level of proficiency.
o   The teacher and student role
-          Teacher is a director of all students behavior
-          The students are imitators of her non verbal model
o   The techniques
a.       Using commands to direct behavior
b.      Role reversal
c.       Action sequence
o   The advantages
Ø  It fun and easy, dos not requires a great deal of preparation on the part of the teacher, a good tool for learning vocabulary, class size does need to be a problem, and no age barrier ( not limited the age)
Ø  It is not a very creative method, students are not given the opportunity to express their own and thoughts in a creative way and limited since everything cannot be explained with this method.
4.      Audio Lingual Method
o   Definition
It is a style of teaching used in teaching foreign language, based on behaviorist theory which professes that certain traits of living things. In his method the students be taught a language directly without using the students’ native language to explain new words or grammar in the target language.
o   The purposes
Ø  The teacher wants their students to able to use the target language communicatively
o   The teachers’ and students’ roles
-          The teacher is like an orchestra leader, directing and controlling the language behavior of his students and also responsible for providing students with a good model for imitation
-          The students are imitators of the teacher’s model or the tapes the teacher supplies of model speaker and follow the teacher’s directions and respond as accurately and as rapidly as possible
o   The techniques
a.       Dialogues Memorization
b.      Backward build-up (expansion drill)
c.       Repetition drill
d.      Chain  drill
e.       Single slot substitution drill
f.       Multiple slot substitution drill
g.      Transformation drill
h.      Question and answer drill
i.        Use of minimal pairs
j.        Complete the dialog
o   The advantages
Ø  Aims at developing listening and speaking skills which is a step away from the grammar translation method and use to visuals aids has proven its effectiveness in vocabulary teaching
o   The disadvantages
Ø  The pupils like parrots, they can’t never create anything new or spontaneous, the class is boring and counter productive, aural and oral skills and didn’t develop reading and writing skills and only assist in presentation of new materials
5.      Silent Way
o   Definition
It is based on the premise that the teacher should be silent as much as possible in the classroom and the learner should be encouraged to produce as much language as possible
o   The purposes
Ø  To give beginning level students oral and aural facility in basic elements of the target language and set for language learning is near native fluency in the target language.
o   The teacher’s and student’s roles
-          Teacher silence is perhaps the most demanding aspect of the silent way, teacher’s task are to teach, test, and get out of the way
-          The students is expected to become independent, autonomous, and responsible in language
o   The techniques
a.       Colored Cuisenaire rods
b.      Pronunciation charts
c.       Vocabulary charts
d.      Metal pointer
o   The advantages
Ø  This methods fosters cooperative learning between individuals, embodies a new approach to education in general and succeeded to teach the language by using the rods without repeating too much
o   The disadvantages
Ø  Order to apply the silent way to the teaching of a total grammar in all its complexity, can be benefited by the teacher only in small groups of students and the language is separated from its social context and thought through artificial situations usually by rods
6.      Suggestopedia
o   Definition
It refers to the learning environment is relaxed and subdued, with low lighting and soft music in the background. In this method dialogs are presented to the accompaniment of music, students just relax and listen to them being read and later playfully practice the language during an activation phase
o   The purposes
Ø  To enhance learning by tapping into the power of suggestion
o   The teacher’s and student’s roles
-           The teacher must make class condition and student feel comfortable and confident
-           The student follow the instruction and immitaty what teacher says
o   The techniques
a.       Classroom set-up
b.      Principal learning
c.       Positive suggestion
d.      Choose a new identity
e.       Role play
f.       First concert
g.      Second concert (passive concert)
h.      Primary activation
i.        Creative adaptation
o     The advantages
Ø  Students can understand and memorize vocabulary for a long time, can be more effective than other methods, and give relax situation, so that students can study optimally and lose of thinking unconfident
o     The disadvantages
Ø  The aspect of understanding and attention are limited and needs a wide class and a lot of money

7.      Community Language Learning
o      Definition
It is the method which is used by the teachers to consider their students as whole persons ( mean that teachers consider not only their students intellect but also have some understanding of the relationship among students feeling, physical reaction, instinctive protective reaction, and desire to learn.
o      The purposes
Ø  To learn how to use the target language communicatively, not only focus on the language but also on the being supportive of learners in their learning process
o      The teacher’s and student’s roles
-    The teacher’s initial role is primarily that counselor, mean that the teacher recognized how threatening a new learning situation
-    The students are well defined, learners become members of community, fellow learners and the teacher, and learn through interacting with the community
o      The techniques
a.          Translation
b.     Group work
c.          Recording
d.      Transcription
e.          Analysis
f.          Reflection and observation
g.      Listening
h.      Free conservation
o      The advantages
Ø It can communicate easier with people who don’t know their mother tongue, will able to communicate with a larger variety of people
o      The disadvantages
Ø  The weakness is a potentially useful method for the foreign language classroom as long as  teachers are willing to adapt it to their own curricural constraints
8.                                     Communicative Language Teaching
o      Definition
It is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language.
o      The purposes
Ø    To direct students when used language and to trains students to create language suitable with structure that they have learnt
o      The teacher’s and student’s roles
-    To facilities the communication process in the classroom and to act as an independent participant within the learning teaching group
-    Breen and Candlin describe the learners’s role within CLT in following terms: As negotiator
o      The techniques
a.      Role play
b.      Interview
c.      Information gap
d.     Games
e.      Language exchange
f.         Survey
g.      Pairs work
h.      Learning by teaching
o      The advantages
Ø  To be more confident when interacting with other people an they also enjoy talking more and to gains in the areas o grammatical /sociolinguistic/ discourse/ strategic competence through communication
o      The disadvantages
Ø  Difficult for the teacher alone to check the language use of every student, especially in a big class
9.                                Task Based Approach
o      Definition
It is an approach seeking to provide learners with a natural context for language use
o      The purposes
Ø  To be determined by the specific needs of particular needs of learners
o      The teacher’s and student’s roles
-  The teacher as selector and sequence of tasks, preparing learners for tasks, and consciousness
-  The students roles are group participant, monitor, risk-taker innovator
o      The techniques
a.       Jigsaw task
b.      Information-gap task
c.       Problem-solving task
d.      Decision-making task
e.       Opinion exchange task
o      The advantages
Ø  It is suitable for learners of all ages and backgrounds. During the task the learners are allowed to use whatever language o they want, freeing them to focus entirely on the meaning of their message
o      The disadvantages
Ø  It requires a high level of creativity and initiative on the part of the teacher, It is not what many students expect and want from a language class
10.                                 Cooperative Learning
o      Definition
It is an approach to teaching that makes maximum use of cooperative activities involving pairs and small groups of learners in the classroom. This method is a group learning activity organized so that learning is dependent on the socially structured exchange of information between learners in groups and which each learner is held accountable 
o      The purposes
Ø  To foster cooperation than competition, to develop critical thinking skill, and to develop communicative competence through socially structured interaction activities, these can be regarded as the overall objectives of CL
o      The teacher’s and student’s roles
-   The teacher has to create a highly structured and well- organized learning environment in the classroom, setting goals, planning and structuring task, establishing the physical arrangement of the classroom
-   The student have to learn teamwork skills. Learners are also directors of their own learning
o      The techniques
a.    Jigsaw
b.    Think-pair-share
c.    Three step interview
d.   Round robin brainstorming
e.    Three minute review
f.     Numbered heads
g.    Tea pair solo
h.    Circle the saga
i.      Partners
o       The advantages
Ø  Students develop higher thinking skills, retain the information much longer when participating in cooperative learning, develop responsibilities, and develop self- confidence and self esteem
o   The disadvantages
Ø  Students going at different speed, leadership dynamic, and differences in pulling weight

5.      From 10 methods, what specific techniques from each methods are you going to use ?In what way  do  you apply these?

1.      Grammar Translation Method
Ø  Deductive application o rule
This technique is present to understand the grammar use example. first I order the student to make a group subject, verb and object. Then, each from them must have one word, for e. g in group subject there are be I, She, Tono Or Tini, and same with each group. And they must look for their couple to make a sentence.
2.      Direct Method
Ø  Getting students to self-correct
This technique is has students self-correct to add the knowledge of students. first I ask them to make a question that they know the answer too, then from that task each student turn to friend beside them.
3.      Total Physical Response
Ø  Action sequence
In this technique teacher give command to clear what teacher mean. I ask student to bring some example from kitchen utensils (spoon, plate, etc), then in the class ask them to make a short drama about their tool that they have brought.
4.      Audio Lingual Method
Ø  Chain drill
In this method students ask and answer each other. I ask them to make a question based on topic in piece of letter, then they submit the letter and the letter divide again to different question’s student.
5.      Silent Way
Ø  Colored Cuisenaire rods
In this technique teacher just give clues to explain what teacher wants, use rod with any color to study about color, number, etc. First I ask students to prepare a rod that have colored before, and write on the rod what their favorite food. then I ask them to each other guess what are they favorite food with give description from the food. 
6.      Suggestopedia
Ø  Creative adaptation
This technique engage all of the students. First I ask them to make a situation like in the large family, so each student have different figure, so they can be a family to know each other.
7.      Community Language Learning
Ø  Recording
I ask student to make a audio diary or funny story and submit every week in recorder.
8.      Communicative Language Teaching
Ø  Learning by teaching
Like micro teaching, I divide one topic from one student and ask them to understand the topic and they must explain what they have known about the topic to learn to friend in the class.
9.      Task Based Approach
Ø  Opinion making task
I ask student to give and participate in class discussion. I going to give one topic and the student must comment one by one.
10.  Cooperative Learning
Ø  Numbered head together
I want make a game. A team consist from 4 students and every student in the group have the sequence numbered ( 1,2,3,4). Then I ask every group to choice one envelope that I have prepared, the instruction is I want one member of group to be volunteer to practice what words that I wrote in the envelope and the other members must answer what her/his friend practice. (like ‘tebak kata’ quiz.  

Name               : Isfiyatul Khoiroh
SRN                : 1001240520
Assignment     : Lesson Plan
Subject                        : TEFL 1
Lesson Plan

1.      Topic               : Post Office
2.      Skill                 : Listening and speaking
  1. Objectives       : By the end of this lesson students will be able to;
o   Respond the meaning in the dialogue
o   Find difficult words and look for their meaning
4.      Student’s level : Grade IX Junior High School
5.      Time                : 1 x 40 minutes
6.      Materials         : English in Focus for Grade IX Junior High School and
7.      Procedures

Checking absent

Explain the roles how to answer the question from the audio and then ask them
1.      How often do you send letters?
2.      Do you prefer to send news by letter , SMS, or e-mail? Give your reason!
3.      To whom do you usually send a letter?
4.      For what purposes will you send a letter?

Demonstrate/ Practice
Activity 1
Teacher write down the text in the white board. Listen the  student of  the audio ( Technique Listening from Community language learning method ) and ask them to listen carefully to complete the dialogue by fill in the blank spaces ( Technique fill in the blank from GTM ) and guess what kind of text and  look for the meaning of the difficult words.

Activity 2       
Teacher ask student in a pairs, (Technique Team pair from Cooperative Learning), give the students a complete dialogue and ask them to read in front of the class (Technique Reading aloud from Direct Method)

Activity 3
Tell the students they will have project task to do for the next meeting. They will work in small groups (4 students), try to make a short dialogue that involves all of the members with the topic is up.
Sum up and review the lesson to reinforce what the students have learnt by asking them to mention things in the post office.

Find from any literature another report text. Then identify its character such as present tense. Compare your work with your friends’. Who has   the most interesting topic?
(Technique analysis from CLL)

exercises from students’ worksheet

The audio & exercises from students’ worksheet

2 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

5 minutes

3 minutes

2 minutes

3 minutes

Comments :
1.      In activity 1, I use two techniques, they are ( Technique Listening from Community language learning ) and ( Technique fill in the blank from GTM ), because in this activity the students listen the dialogue from audio to practice listening competence students to know their ability in listening section and teacher ask students to complete the dialogue use the words in the box to help them as a practice their mastery of vocabulary.

2.      In activity 2, I apply (Technique Team pairs from Cooperative Learning) and (Technique Reading aloud from Direct Method), because I hope they can adjust each other and motify students who have low ability in their speaking and in other time they can do alone which a first they could not do only with help from other person.

3.      In activity 3 I just tell or present instruction about student task next meeting. So, I think that does not need using a technique.

4.      In follow-up I use analysis technique from community language learning method to practice student analyze parts of report text.

Activity 1
  1. Listen the audio, fill in the blank spaces, the words in the box may help you.
Ulum   : What kind of  job does your father do?
Nafi’    : My father is a ………… . He is employed by the post office to ……… and collect those posted in pillar boxes.
Ulum   : My father is a civil servant. He works for the ministry of Education. In fact, I want to know about some ………. . Would you tell me more about it?
Nafi’    : Yeah, sure. What do you want to know?
Ulum   : I want to know what is meant by PO BOX?
Nafi’    : PO BOX stands for Post Office Box. Its …….. located inside the post office. They are used by people who find them more convenient or more private than the regular service.
Ulum   : And ……. ?
Nafi’    : It offers ………. For valuable mail for an additional fee. The post office insures such mail and keeps a careful record of it. The addressee must sign a receipt for it.
Ulum   : All right, Nafi’. Thank you very much for the information.

Locked mailboxes
Postal matters
Registered mail
Extra safety box
Deliver letters

  1. Can you guess what the mean of words in the box ?
Match the words in the box with the correct text below.
a.       Postman   b. Stamp    c. Mailbox    d. Envelope    e. Postcode


  1. Small piece of printed paper  stuck on envelopes, parcels, etc to show that postage has been paid.
  2. Group of letters and numbers used as part of an address, to make delivery easier.
  3. Person whose job is to collect and deliver letter, etc.
  4. Area of a computer’s ,message where electronic mail messages are stored.
  5. Paper covering for a letter.

Activity 2
Now, with your partner, act out the complete dialogues in front of the class!

Aluh    : Good morning. I would like to send this letter to Japan by airmail, how much is the change?
Anang : It’s 1,2 dollars, do you need extra stamps?
Aluh    : I do, I’ve been also expecting a package from New York. Here is my identify      card the receipt.
Anang             : Would you mind signing this from? Here is the package.
Aluh    : Finally I would like to send this registered letter to London
Anang : Please fill in the complete address in capital letters.


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